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Welcome to Sewcharan & Pick
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Welcome to Sewcharan & Pick
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Welcome to Sewcharan & Pick
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Founded June 6, 2001 and still holding the fundamental values of the legal profession in high esteem clients can expect honest expert and independent services.

How can we help you?


Wij geven cliënten allerhande adviezen op diverse rechtsgebieden die de rechtspositie van de cliënten beschermen. Hieronder valt ook het voeren van onderhandelingen en opstellen van overeenkomsten.


Wij beschikken over een team van ervaren advocaten met kennis over haast alle rechtsgebieden binnen de civiele procespraktijk.


Wij hebben gespecialiseerde strafrechtadvocaten die u kunnen bijstaan bij alle procedures die samenhangen met het strafrecht.


Het geven van advies bij de aanvraag van allerhande vergunningen en van de begeleiding daarbij behoort ook tot onze dienstverlening.

Frequently asked questions

That depends.

No fee will be charged if during the initial meeting it becomes clear that there will be no follow-up, e.g because the interest does not outweigh the costs or because the chances of success of submitting a claim are minimal.

If the initial meeting leads to an assignment for advise or representation in court, the time spent will be added to the final invoice.

We also don’t want to be surprised, therefore as a rule the billing method is agreed upon in advance. That is before the assignment starts. If however the advocate or junior advocate has to act immediately, with client’s consent, the billing method can be agreed upon afterwards, but always at the earliest possible moment.

In most cases, we charge for time spent on the basis of a previously agreed hourly rate. The fee then consists of the actual time spent on a case multiplied by the agreed hourly rate. The time is registered on a timesheet. The client can always ask for an overview of the time spent.

Agreeing a fixed fee is possible in cases that qualify and in which the work is transparent and clearly defined. It is always the advocate or junior advocate who assesses if a case qualifies.

For collection of money claims the best billing method is collection via an agreed fixed percentage of the amount of money eventually collected for the client. The collected amount is always deposited on behalf of the client into one of the third-party accounts of our firm.

A combination of the mentioned billing methods is also possible.

All fees are exclusive of 10% VAT and exclusive of other costs (such as office costs, costs for requesting excerpts, certificates, bailiff costs, court registry fees, etc.).

Sewcharan & Pick does not work on a “no cure no pay” basis.

All files will remain in Sewcharan & Pick’s archives for up to ten years. You may request a copy of the file within this timeframe. There may be costs involved and you may be required to pay outstanding bills before the copies are provided to you.

Yes of course. If it’s a new case you can simply submit the case to Sewcharan & Pick. If the case is already being handled by another advocate or law firm Sewcharan & Pick will request your file to be transferred to us. Pursuant to the rules of conduct for advocates all advocates are obliged to comply with these rules.

Beste cliënten en overige bezoekers

In verband met renovatiewerkzaamheden is de ingang van ons kantoor momenteel via onze garage. Volgt u bij een bezoek aan ons kantoor aub de aanwijzingen ter plaatse.